Sunday, August 14, 2011

I could get used to that

This past week I was off of work. It gave me time to really focus on my sewing and really get the business going. I did great right off the bat and I couldn't be happier! I started my facebook page on Friday night and by Sunday night I had over 30 people like my page! I also had orders to work on. My schedule for the week went like this... Wake up between 5-5:15 to go to the gym and work out. Come home, eat breakfast and shower. Once places were open I would go and run my errands such as going to Joann's for supplies/fabric, taking my car in for an oil change, post office and bank stuff, etc. Then I would be home by 10 and start sewing. I would work until I got hungry for lunch and then work again until either I finished a project or it was dinner time. Then I would spend some time with my husband. It was really nice to have a routine like that and I enjoyed it more than I though I would (and I knew I would really enjoy it). It actually made me start thinking of finding a part time job so I could focus on this more. Unfortunately I don't think I'm in a place where I can give up my full time job just yet. Maybe someday! Until then, I am going to try and find time whenever I can to work on things.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Changes and getting started again

I haven't done much with this blog or with my "business" lately. However I have decided to get started again. I am also changing the name mostly because the old name was kind of boring but also because my initials are no longer CH. Or at least they won't be once I finally get around to changing my last name. For now I have decided not to delete my current blog. I will rename it but it will still have the old URL. I really don't want to try switching all of that so for now this blog stays. I do need to start posting on it more often and also work on getting followers.

The other change that I've made is creating a new facebook page. Just search for "A Bit of This." By the way, that's the new name in case you couldn't tell by the heading.