Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ramblings from a bad blogger!

Really, this is nothing new for me!  I go through good blogging periods and then just fall off the face of the earth again.  Anyway, my big update this time (and possibly a good excuse for not blogging) is that Rob and I are expecting a baby.  I am 12 weeks now.  Tomorrow actually but close enough.  On top of being tired I seem to have lost interest in a lot of things.  I no longer care what half the people on my facebook friends list have to say anymore (nothing against most of them!) and I don't even do a very good job at keeping up with reading blogs.  I do read them but it's more like catch up on a weeks worth of posts on Sunday morning instead of reading them every day or every other day.  Besides that, I have done about zero sewing this whole summer with the exception of this weekend.  The problem is, we don't have central air and live in a third floor apartment.  My sewing area is in the bedroom which is cooled by fans.  They work fine for sleeping but not so much for sewing.  Fans like to blow my stuff around and make it hard to work.  It has been slightly cooler and I actually got the urge to sew this weekend.  Yesterday I finished up some bib and burp cloth sets that I started in May/June and today I made myself a nursing cover.  That would be the first of many things that I made to use with the baby.  The bib and burp cloths are actually to sell on Etsy.  I will make some for myself/baby in October when we find out the sex.  I plan to make all the bedding for baby as well as changing pad cover, Boppy cover, wet bags, maybe some cloth diapers, and many more items.  If it is a girl I will probably make a ton of cute clothes.  Ideally, I would like to blog about all the things that I make for baby but we'll see.

Our other, less exciting news is that in November we are moving.  That was pretty much the plan before we found out we were pregnant.  There are just too many things that I have come to hate about this place and with a baby there is no way we could live here.  First off, one bedroom won't cut it.  Second, I'm tired of not having central air.  Plus, I want laundry that we don't have to go outside to get to and then have quarters for. Not gonna happen with a baby.  Especially not with a cloth diapered baby!  I'm also looking forward to having a bigger kitchen that has a dishwasher.  We will most likely move to another apartment (in a different complex/city of course) but I still like the idea of renting a house.  I don't think we are quite where we need to be to buy just yet but that would be nice as well.  We do plan on exploring all options of course but at this point I see us in another apartment.

Now, I couldn't write a post and not include pictures of what I actually accomplished this weekend.  Well I could but if I had promised to post them later, it wouldn't get done so here they are!

Here are the bib and burp cloth sets that are getting listed on Etsy tonight.
 The set pictured below has two burp cloths in the set and is made with flannel instead of cotton for the front.  All are made with white chenille on the back side.

 The ones above were the first ones I made.  The bibs were kind of big in my opinion so I decided to make them a little smaller.  I also decided to make them with side opening instead of right in the middle.  I liked that more too.  So the rest of the bibs are a little different.  And the set below has two bibs that go with it and a coordinating burp cloth instead of a matching burp cloth.
 A boy set!  I have more fabrics that coordinate with this one all cut out and ready to go so there will be more boy stuff coming soon.  But this was my favorite so I made it first.
 These last two are actually coordinating sets and could go together or separate.  The first one also has a coordinating set to go with it but I only have the fabric cut out so far.

 And here is my nursing cover!  If I were to make it again, I would make it longer and also make sure the print is going the opposite direction.  I would also add a pocket to the inside for nursing pads.  I probably could still add the pocket though.  Or I may just make a whole new one!  I also think I may add these to the shop!


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